Originally released in 1975, Fleetwood Mac’s self titled release marks the addition of Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks into the band’s lineup – the line up as it is today. FLEETWOOD MAC: REMASTERED EDITION features the original album with newly remastered sound.
Originally released in 1975, Fleetwood Mac’s self titled release marks the addition of Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks into the band’s lineup – the line up as it is today. FLEETWOOD MAC: REMASTERED EDITION features the original album with newly remastered sound.
Originally released in 1975, Fleetwood Mac’s self titled release marks the addition of Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks into the band’s lineup – the line up as it is today. FLEETWOOD MAC: REMASTERED EDITION features the original album with newly remastered sound.