Fronted by Texan native Danny Lee Backwell, Myth Of A Man is Night Beats fourth studio album. While Blackwell has always fed off the musical legacy of his Texas roots, Myth Of A Man has him pulling from the surrogate wellspring of Nashville, Tennessee. It was there that he worked with the eminent Dan Auerbach, and a murderer's row of battle-worn session musicians. Written during a particularly destructive period of the band, the album is populated by fallen angels, blood-sucking wanderers, and vindictive lovers, but the character most present is Blackwell, himself. ''Myth Of A Man can be summed up as a personal display of vulnerability and guilty conscience,'' he explains, ''Destroying the mythos of what it means to live and function in society.'' With its bold steps forward, Myth Of A Man serves as both a takedown and reintroduction of the band as we know it-the strongest evidence that you'll never be able to pin Night Beats down.