'All my years are gone, faded one by one, washed into the grain,' professes Seadar Rose in the opening lines of 'Wrong the Right,' the lead track on Screen Door Porch's self-titled debut album. Weaving poetic coincidence and certainty, the subtle rocker embraces the vulnerable truths within us all-a thread that surfaces throughout the album's twelve tracks. Stories steeped in misadventures, gambling, mountain solitude and struggle compose the varied grains of Screen Door Porch. The duo of Screen Door Porch-Seadar Rose and Aaron Davis-deliver groove-injected Alt-Folk and soulful Americana, garnished with multi-instrumentation. This roots music combined with ambient textures, dirty slide guitar, and country-sweet harmonies outline a sound that is not quite acoustic. Screen Door Porch left their home in Jackson Hole, Wyo., spending the winter months in Austin, TX to record, to perform at South by Southwest, and to tap into the wealth of talent that the Live Music Capitol has to offer. They searched out co-producer Britton Beisenherz (of Monahans), and entered Ramble Creek Studio with a strong foundation of material, which in just five days, evolved into an unimaginably fluid and fruitful collaboration. "We really left ourselves behind for this one, letting each song take a path of it's own rather than holding the reigns too tight,' says Rose. Davis adds, "The songs on this record are like us, travelers-glimpses of what moved us, what we saw, and dreamed. A year ago we could not have made this record. It was born from moving around and growing musically closer as a band." Like their live performances, the twelve tracks on Screen Door Porch showcase a diversity of stripped-down acoustic songs and lush electric ensembles.